Abby Dunbar

Abby is a creative and passionate theatre artist and media professional with over eight years of experience effectively managing theatrical productions and leading in arts administration positions.

Abby is currently co-founding a new queer theatre troupe based out of Washington D.C., the Lavender Theatre Company, with the goal to foster a theatre community for LGBTQ+ folks in the DMV, and to support the development of new works based around the queer experience. Lavender Theatre Company aims to produce its first production in May 2024—a queer short play festival.

Abby’s first original full-length film, What’s Wrong with Feminism? is currently in post-production. The film is an intersectional look at gender inequity and sexism in America from the 1960’s until modern day, and has been created in partnership with LA-based social justice theatre non-profit, Fringe Benefits Theatre. Abby has contributed as screenwriter, producer, director, cinematographer, and editor, and anticipates a premiere in mid-to-late 2024. One of the promotional scenes, “Super Feminist”, is available to preview now!

Since graduating from the University of Redlands c/o 2021 with a double B.A. in Theatre Arts and Media & Visual Culture Studies, Abby has relocated to Washington D.C., and has had the opportunity to stage manage professionally for Perisphere Theatre, and participate in the first Queer Stories devised performance with The Theatre Lab.

The Bechdel Group, a non-profit theatre in New York City, is featuring Abby’s short play Overcoming Orion for a live reading in early December 2023, and the 8 Tens @ 8 Festival from Actors’ Theatre of Santa Cruz County will feature Two Mothers by Abby in January 2024.








All works on this site are the intellectual property of Abigail F Dunbar and must not be used or taken without her express permission.