
Excerpt of a graphic novel. Workshopped at Second Draft LA, Spring 2022.


The Navathe’s are seated around the dining table, heads bowed, eyes closed, and hands helds out in front of them with palms facing upward. They are praying. As the father, Koray, prays, his son Miri opens his eyes. Miri doesn’t believe in Lai, their god, but goes along with it for his parents.


Gracious Lai, we thank you for your blessings upon our family. Please be with us as we spend this precious time with one another. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us and for our land. We ask again that you watch over our lost daughter and keep her from harm’s way. In your name we pray, amen.

While he speaks, Miri glances up. At that exact moment he glances up, a figure walks by the window. They’re too far away for him to really see, and they’re wearing a cloak covering most of their face, but Miri could swear it was the runaway princess, Tate Yuhan. 



That looks like… It can’t be. What would the princess Tate be doing out here?

Then, Koray finishes the prayer, and Miri has to pretend he had his eyes closed the whole time. They all start to eat.


Have you heard about the runaway princess?

Miri perks up at this, thinking of the hooded figure.


The poor queen must be so worried.


What happened?


The news arrived this afternoon. The princess Tate ran away from the castle last night. As far as we know, she’s still on the run.




She’s like Jupiter.


Please, Miri, don’t be a romantic. Your grandmother’s mind was going when she told you those stories.


Her name is Juniper, like the tree.


Your sister left home when she was eighteen to travel, and never came back home. It was selfish. Whatever your grandmother told you, about rebellion, and adventures and whatnot is untrue.

Miri is quiet. He’ll always believe his grandmother’s stories no matter what his parents say. He glances up at the window again.


a story about peter


Max and Cypress Build a Shed